Saturday, January 29, 2011

4x4 absolutely floored…

New years day and the jungle what could be a better combination. A trip into the know but yet unknown wilderness of the forests with cousins could only get better. I have often wondered what is it that catches the fancy of people who take their vehicles up steep inclines dotted with rock too mountainous for the ordinary car to overcome. Well the joy of going 4x4 is something that you got to experience first hand and in company as joyous as your family.

Although this is not my first time at it when you are actually at it for the first time after a gap of several years the adrenalin rush you get is superb. There is also the sense of accomplishment that makes you feeling like you have actually conquered something or rather tamed the wild.

Well the 4x4 experience has totally left me floored and looking out for more!!!!

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