Monday, February 26, 2007

A date with 140kmph

A bit apprehensive a bit cautious,
Thrilled at the site of an expanse of tar
10 feet by 20 kilometers,
An expanse every bit inviting as a Godiva.

The view from the cockpit of an Innova was every bit appealing so much so one would simply want to put the peddle down and accelerate down the expanse with every last bit of fuel in the tank. As the night blankets you with its dark veil and the soft strum of a guitar to keep you company and the road highlighted by the headlights only just giving you enough light to keep you inside the road the urge to go faster and faster is overpowering.
The smooth drone of the engine is but an invitation to unleash the brutal power of over a hundred horses. You can’t but fall for the bait and pull an amazing feat of cracking past the 100kmph mark in a jiffy. The first is but a trial, one that is taken just for the thrill the feel and preparation for the real thing. Very soon the traffic thins and the black expanse is all the more inviting.
Already energized and comfortable with the high speed controls I let my foot go heavy on the accelerator a second time. This time round there is absolutely no hindrance and ZOOOOOOOOOOOOM. Whooshing past the other cars trucks and Lorries you tend to think of them as stationary object that are hardly moving. The speedo has now climbed to a very conservative 140kmph and it is still rising.
While all this is going on you hardly notice the music which has now gone from the sweet melancholy of a guitar to the steady music of some weird hiphop band.
I know it is dangerous driving at such high speeds but ten you really must want to experience life on the fast lane … Well I am certainly not going to disclose the top speed in this I leave it to your imagination….
Till the next time CIAO.