Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A true friend...

Anyone who had ever set eyes on him,
will always remember the way,
he used to greet you(read sniffing and jumping up and down) .
Never a hesitation,
a open heart and
no grudges ever.
The kind who'd always want to play ,
no matter how tired or exhausted he'd be,
if you are game then so am i would be his word if he could talk.
A friend who would let you be the kid you are and at the same time allow you to feel uninhibited.

Very rarely would you catch him sitting calmly, when its not his resting time, a voracious appetite and ready to spare all the time he had for you. Well that my Dog, Jhonty, a true, cuddly and a selfless friend.

Everyone needs a name to be called by and believe me he too has had his share with auric, goldie, monty being the top runners but the superior fielding prowess of the world best fielder Jhonty Rhodes shifted our preference to his name and added to this it rhymed with our aunt's old lab, Monty.

Jhonty began life known as Pasha's Pup a thoroughbred with irish ancestors, the first time we saw him was a day after my aunts 50th birthday, when my brother adamantly refused to let go of the offer of gettign a new pup. A quick call back home confirmed that we could have the pup and off we set out to get it. From his early days, he proved to be a crowd puller, proof of this attested by all my cousins aunts and the billions of relatives who've ever had the good fortune to meet him.

We brought him from bangalore by train wher he again caught the attention of our fellow passengers and ofcourse the ticket collector who wanted to see the ticket for the pup. How are you supposed to know that a ticket is required for a dog? but a little cash on the side solved the problem and we got him safely home. A bit apprehensive at first on dash's(our oter dog) reaction to the new addition to the household. Suprisingly they both got along just fine. Take it as a lesson on the art of negotiating.

A few months down the line Jhonty outgrew dash buy several inches but still had the same respect he had when he was just a wee bit of a baby, the respect continued till the day he passed away. Never once could you actually find the two of them sulking around the bad blood between them were sorted out within minutes and they were back to being happy and gay... pun intended!

Jhonty grew up around a lot of people who loved pets of any kind and yes this made him a spoilt little brat. Often the idea of doing things his way had to be curbed and the next second you can find him under the dining table looking all morose and sad, you just cant stay angry any longer. Man you should actually see the look of innocense he was capable of exhibiting it was just out of this world. Bet not even the greatest actor of our era can replicate that look.

His constant companion was his lovable toys(read ball and ring). very rarely would he be seen without it and if they were not available then it would be carpets, gunny bags, slippers, coconuts and logs. Well its better the Ball, whatever the cost maybe, than to that long list anyday. Two secrets Jhonty ever had was his constant fear of injections, which invariably made the doctor his nemsis, and the fact he absolutely had no intrest in mating. A sad fact cause if he knew, then he'd have left back someone to carry on his legacy.

I know the list can go on and on but then I would not want to bore a lot of people with several mundane details that are actually of interest to me, but can bore the rest of you. No matter how much you write on someone you like and is your true friend and family, it just isn't enough. The memories stay with you, only to burden your heart on the loss of a loved one, but it also gives you glimpses of the times you've shared and enjoyed.

Jhonty you'll be truly missed my friend.

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