Then what is it that makes you behave otherwise? Complex as it may seem I think it is what makes us more human otherwise we would have on saints walking around without any human to actually give credit to the proverb, to err is human and to forgive divine…
Well that’s it for now but what the heck still trying to figure out the answer to this problem and I am sure I will update this topic.
I did tell that I was going to update this topic whenever I could figure out what it is that actually provokes us into doing or saying the things we almost always regret right afterwards.
There are times when you actually feel that you have become the worst of yourself. Feeling sometimes that you have opened up a pandora’s box of all your hated traits; your anger, your spite, your condescends. When someone or something provokes you, you instead of smiling and moving along actually take them on.
Once the confrontation is over all you are capable of doing is going back home and spend the rest of your time tossing and turning over thinking of all the things you could have said but end up regretting the thing you said. There may be a few of you out there who would actually argue that it’s a way of getting rid of your temper, calming down, letting your steam out etc etc… it only ends up causing a lot more damage than actually help you blow your steam off…
Well blame it on human behaviour (again it’s so typical isn’t; we always manage to find someone else to put the blame on), like we are all taught to from our infancy… Pun Intended.
Hmmm, you finally realize that when you have the pleasure of saying the things that you mean to say at the moment to mean to say it, remorse inevitably follows.
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