Friday, June 12, 2009

The city of blood...

There was once this king called Banasura, an asura, but also an ardent devotee of Lord Shiva. One day this king was gifted with a beautiful girl child. Like all fathers our king too on the best intrests of his beautiful daughter built her a splendid house on the hill. With all the trapping worthy of a princess the young girl lived her life blissfully unaware of the hardships around her.

Well one can't blame the little princess of going queen marie antionette, as her father to protect her from the harsh realities of the world not only got her privately tutored but also had her house surrounded by a constant blaze.

The fire roaring and crackling, making or rather devouring the constant timber being fed. It's appetite never ceasing always wanting more and the king only to happy to appease it's every whim... This incessant flame had one aim and it effectively carried out it's duty to the maximum...

Now the little princess who till now played hop scotch and marbles, brushing the artificial hair of her prestine porclein dolls, slowly stared outgrowing her pretty frocks and started taking a liking to the mekkala chaddar... She slowly graduated from just self grooming to the intricacies if life via a viz the pursuit of fine arts... As the princess reached adolance she kept havin these wierd dreams of a young man and as it so happens the young princess started falling in love with this young man.

In the city also lived a great person called Chitralekha. She was an exceptional artist and had several gifts one of which being the boon of drawing or rather sketching the portrait of a person by just the description of the individuals features. The princess upon hearing this, called her and asked for the rendering of the image that appeared in her dreams. The portrait once formed reveals the picture of krishnas grandson, Annirudha. The artist, also had magical powers and using that, she whisks krishnas grandson while he was sleeping, to the princess and Agnighar.

Both the youngsters immediate take a liking to each other and are married off inand with the typical gandharva marriage rituals.

Hmmm... Love is in the air could danger be lurking in the shadows???

King Banasura had no idea of what was transpiring behind his back and once he got to know of all the development his anger hit the roof and even storm clouds seemed pale in comparison. Hell bent on taking revenge by killing Krishna's grandson he starts a mighty war.

Well a grandfather cannot forsake his grandson side... So the sayin goes... So Krishna fights against Banasura alongside his grandson. Now King Banasura being an ardent deevotee of Lord Shiva summons him to fight alongside him in the war and Shiva being a God have to stick to his devotee and so ensues a war that last for a lot of years and the toll is heavy on both sides.

Finally hearing the cries for help from the people of the land, Lord Brahma enters the scene and works out an amicable solution to the whole problem and brings and end to the war. Due to lack of literature we are still ignorant of what the solution was but anyways one as reached. The outcome of the war was disasterous and with both sides suffering great losses one could see the land drenched in blood as far as the eye could see.

This led to the city being called TEZPUR, the city of Blood.

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